Was a special day as Computers for Refugees connected with a sister ministry, the Learning Center at the First Church of the Brethren at 219 Hummel Street in Harrisburg.
Marianne Fitzkee is serving a summer internship there and is also the daughter of AOCC Board Member, Carolyn Fitzkee.
The Learning Center offers computer classes for young people in their community. In chatting with Marianne, I asked if the Learning Center had any needs. She replied that they would like to provide computers to the students that finish the course. I said we have desktops, and she said they could use three.
In addition, my daughter Amy's employer Penn Stone had recently donated several iMacs.I asked Marianne if her office could use an iMac. Wow! They could.

Meanwhile, my son-in-law Sammy went over the iMac and restored it to factory settings. I stopped by their home early Wednesday morning to pick it up.
Then, at AOCC, I did a final checkup on the Windows 10 desktops, which included a wifi adapter, a webcam, and external speakers. Everything was good to go. Pastor Joel helped me load the computers into my car.
After a midday online class, I trekked up Rt 283 to Harrisburg.
What a joy to find my way down to Hummel Street on a beautiful sunny afternoon and meet Marianne and Alyssa. We unloaded the computers, and then I set up the iMac. Indeed, the First Church of the Brethren of Harrisburg is reaching out to its community in various ways to be a light, including offering computer classes.
Many good things were happening this week at the Alpha and Omega Community Center. We received several more laptops. Stu and I had another 6:30 am planning meeting. We gave a tablet to a young woman who is studying for her real estate license. We received two applications for computers. At the very end of the day, Charlie swung by to pick up to donated computers to take home and work on.
Thanks to our donors who help in various ways. Blessings to our recipients who have new tools for learning.