Written by Alpha & Omega Community Center

Since 1991, the Alpha & Omega Community Center has provided a wide range of services to assist the Hispanic Community of Lancaster, PA, to become prosperous, contributing members of society. Alpha & Omega Community Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofits organization, with an IRS.

On September 21, the PA Migrant Educationl Program held a “Back to School Fair” at Alpha and Omega, and I had a table to represent Computers for Refugees.I received applications from parents for seven desktops and three laptops. We've been busy the past two weeks working on these orders.
On Friday and Saturday, two mothers with a Nepali background picked up their laptops. They were so grateful to have a computer for their children to do schoolwork. The mothers also told their story of being forced to flee Bhutan and then living in a refugee camp in Nepal before coming to the USA. I was familiar with their story from other students.
The third laptop needed an external webcam, which I ordered in the middle of the week. It arrived on Saturday morning, and I finished up the laptop, and sent a message to the applicant that it was ready for pickup.
We have also been working on the desktops one by one.
We had two complete desktops, and a father picked up one of them on Friday.
As I have shared before, we need computer mice to outfit five desktops. Here's where the story gets interesting as we see provision for needs.

At the beginning of last week, I received a message from Karen in Gap PA. She had two “new in the box Windows Vista” desktops, plus four monitors, and some speakers. However, it wasn't convenient for her to drive the whole way up to Lancaster. I had a solution. Several students and friends work at URBN Outfitters in Gap, PA. Nellie said she could pick up Karen's donation after work. Early Friday evening, I picked up the computers at Nellie's home in Lancaster and brought them to AOCC.
Early Saturday morning, Charlie, our technician, met me at AOCC to pick up the two Vista computers. He will install Linux Mint.
I also had another desktop that was a little kafooey on startup. Charlie checked it out, and it only needs a computer battery that I can easily get.

So, right now, we only need two computer mice to outfit the two remaining desktops for the Migrant Ed parents.
At AOCC, we never know how the day is going to go. On Friday evening, I was so encouraged as I brought the donated computers and accessories over to AOCC.
What was even more encouraging was to talk with the father and the two mothers who received computers. The parents are excited about the learning opportunities for their children.
We at Computers for Refugees thank the Lord for the opportunity to work with so many partners.
Thank you!

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