by Alpha & Omega Community Center | Oct 11, 2021 | Community Center
On September 21, the PA Migrant Educationl Program held a “Back to School Fair” at Alpha and Omega, and I had a table to represent Computers for Refugees.I received applications from parents for seven desktops and three laptops. We've been busy the past...
by Carolyn Fitzkee | Mar 25, 2021 | Community Center
The Community Center invites you to “pig out” for a good cause. The AOCC is sponsoring a drive thru pork BBQ meal fundraiser on Saturday, May 22, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lancaster Church of the Brethren. The church is located at 1601 Sunset Ave. (near the...
by Sherry Eshelman | Mar 25, 2021 | Community Center
Maria Perez has been a faithful volunteer at the Community Center for many years. She previously worked at QVC. Maria has one son and two daughters, all of whom live in the area. She also has seven grandchildren. About 30 years ago, Maria heard the Spanish radio...
by Jill Nunez | Mar 25, 2021 | Community Center
Each program of the Community Center exists “to share God’s love by providing education and social services that empower the local Latino Community.” The Food Bank served 544 persons in November, 193 in December, and 435 in January. Construction of the new retaining...
by Alpha & Omega Community Center | Mar 25, 2021 | Community Center
I was born in Venezuela, which was considered one of the richest countries in Latin America because it had the largest oil reserves in the world. Many people from neighboring countries emigrated to Venezuela in the golden years to live in that earthly paradise. Sadly,...
by Carolyn Fitzkee | Nov 27, 2020 | Community Center
The AOCC Board has approved two major renovation projects with large financial impacts. We need your help to see them through. First, a bulging block retaining wall on the west side of the building, where the food bank box truck unloads food, has shifted and is in...